Kicking Goals

Adam has been loving the morning fitness classes, and it has been a great help.

He had an amazing game of football recently. He kicked 2 goals (1 was from 35 metres out), and he was always running, tackling and generally in play. Running is clearly not his strong suit, but he ran great in the game yesterday and was chasing down the opposition.

He has not played like that since last year, and it was fantastic to see.

My husband Rob and I both believe that the main reason for this improvement in his confidence is due to the classes you run. He feels more confident about his fitness and his ability. He just seems more confident in general.

He has had a rough 7 months since my father died, and it is nice to see him getting back to his old self.

So once again, thank you.

Petra Fowler
Applecross WA

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