Winning Edge Academy will soon be providing Junior Basketballers with the opportunity to play for WEA in Domestic Competitions throughout Perth.
The first Winning Edge Basketball Teams will take the court in the Lakeside Domestic Competition in Term 3, competing in various age groups for both Boys and Girls.
Existing teams are invited to transfer to play for Winning Edge where we will either provide a Coach or allow the current Coach to continue under the guidance of WEA Basketball Head Coach). New teams will also be formed based on applications from athletes wishing to play for the club.
The Academy has a strong culture based on discipline, professionalism and dedication throughout our 3 sports (Basketball, Football and Netball). WEA Basketball Club will allow us to facilitate consistent long term growth in our athletes by ensuring these values are adhered to during competition, while also providing quality coaching traditionally found only in the WABL system.
The cost to play for WEA Basketball will be the same as any other team. You do not need to be an Academy member to play for Winning Edge, however existing members will be given first preference in registering their teams.
For more information or to register your interest in playing under the WEA banner- email admin@winningedgeacademy.com.au today.
Today 8 motivated 13 year olds wore Winning Edge shirts together. Having never played together. They competed as a domestic team in the summer Perth Basketball Association league. They lost by two points but won each others respect as well as the respect of many at Vic Park for the admirable way they handled competing in a higher grade.
Luke demonstrated his innate and exceptional ability to coach individuals into a team. It has been several years since I have been a parent spectating Luke’s amazing talent and skills in nurturing young athletes who aspire to be the best that they can be in sport.
His capability and expertise was apparent in the way he had influenced each of the 8 young men from the messages I received from their parents – thanking me for introducing their sons to Winning Edge Academy basketball and Luke Cunningham. So it’s only just that I relay the thanks and gratitude to Luke from 8 young men who aspire to be the best representatives of their sport and Winning Edge. 12 3 Swans!